Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
STEM Center of Excellence Grand Opening VIP Celebration
Invitation Design
At the national level, Girl Scouts has made a pledge to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders and add 2.5 million girls to the STEM pipeline by 2025. In 2018, Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas inaugurated the first STEM Center of Excellence of its kind in South Dallas to support this very pledge. The living laboratory serves as a place for Girl Scouts to come learn and explore activities tailored around science and the outdoors, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Girls can practice robotics, chemistry, botany, and beyond and ignite their passion for STEM. During opening weekend, there were events for members and their families to explore the new grounds as well as events hosted for the donors who helped make the magic happen.
I created the invitation for the VIP Celebration. I wanted to present an electrifying design that would translate the excitement this new place would bring our council and the community. I prototyped different invitation styles and loved the idea of using die-cut, interlocking gears to create the seal of the invitation. Gears are a staple in the branding of the STEM center and a symbol of robotics and engineering.