Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
Annual Report FY2018
Art Direction + Design
Working for a non-profit organization, I learned the importance of annual reports. While I worked at Girl Scouts, we tried different ways of portraying that information each year. This particular annual report brought a new challenge as I was tasked to create an infographic that shared all of our data highlights.
We wanted to forego the traditional booklet design done in the past and opted to do a tri-fold. The tri-fold had the essential information we wanted our donors to see first-hand and they were directed online to learn more. As I brainstormed different ways to portray all the information, I was inspired by something iconic to Girl Scouts. The traditional vest a girl wears as part of their uniform serves as a home for their patches and badges — the accolades a year in Girl Scouting brings. In turn, I thought it would be a fun and distinctive way to depict the highlights that year brought to the organization through our infographic. The report also included a breakdown of the finances, as well as a letter from the CEO, awards earned, and photo collages of events throughout that year.